Destination:  Spider Lake

Date:  Sunday July 7

Time: Anytime after 11am until late afternoon

Meeting Place: Spider Lake; The lake is in a Provincial Park 43km south of Courtenay. Take the Horne Lake turn off and watch for the sign for Spider Lake (left turn at 3.9 km – Illusion Lake Rd).

The last part of the road is a good unfinished surface. Watch and follow the signs.

Description:We will start gathering about 11am and enjoy a picnic lunch (bring your own) before launching about 1pm for a leisurely paddle in and out of all the bays around the circumference of the lake. Last year was a beautiful day and participants finished the day practicing their self rescues in the warm water.

Length of Trip:The actual paddling was/is only about 1½ hours but the day, not including travel time, is 5-6 hours

Rating: 1

Coordinator:  Sue Wenman   250 886 4972

Maximum people:There is no maximum for this fun day

Notes:The parking lot is about 100yds (approx) from the beach but lots of paddlers have wheels they are willing to share to transport the kayaks down and back.