Comox Paddler’s Club Trip Coordinator’s Description

Destination: Comox Lake – North side from Puntledge River dam.

Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Time: Launch by 6:00 PM.

Meeting Place: Park on the west side of the bridge that crosses the Puntledge River on Comox Logging Road just above the dam. There is a 200m carry to the water’s edge on Comox Lake. Wait for club members to help you. The lake is very high this year so the launch site is small and we will have to help one another launch.

Directions: Take Lake Trail Rd then turn left on Comox Logging Road. Follow it until you pass the Rod and Gun Club. There is less than 1 km of gravel road until you reach the bridge over the Puntledge River. Park on the side out of the way of other traffic.  Google map directions.​

Description: This is a nice evening paddle towards the Comox Glacier. We will paddle along the shore past the Comox Bluffs Ecological Reserve for about an hour then return. 

Length of Trip: About 2 hours

Rating: Trip Rating is 1 

Coordinator: Frank McCullough – see membership list

Max. People: Come one come all

Launch Notes:

• We will be paddling into the sun for part of the time so wear your sunglasses and hat.

• Come see a side of the lake not usually taken.